President Shukoh Co,Ltd株式会社 秀光 代表取締役

私は家具・什器・建築金物などを取り扱う仕事柄、自宅の建設にはそれらが惹き立つ過不足の無いキャンバスのような家を構想していました。 大手不動産会社の広告でMODEL CODEを知り、九品仏の現場を家族と共に訪れましたが、フローリング以外は総てホワイトという簡潔性は徹底されていて、コストの為のコスト削減ではなく、それでいて過剰を抑制するバランス感覚を実際に体感できた為、総て「お任せ」の同意書にもサインし、同時に土地探しも一緒にお願いして家創りがスタートしました。妻が優良な土地を見つけ、素早くプランを入れて貰い、プロデューサーの河部氏が設計だけではなく、土地の取引にも人脈を持たれている事が、最も重要な「土地の争奪」に非常に大きかった事、それを後で知ることになります。平坦地、延床50坪、1階リビング、専用庭、インナーガレージという当初の要望が満たされる建物が完成し、自社ブランドの見せる収納であるGiGiと、パートナーであるORIVARI社のレバーハンドルが惹き立つ、依頼主と請負側がシナジーを生む家、これが僅か一年半で入手できたのは、「総てをお任せ」した判断だと認識しています。

For my job, I deal with furniture, household goods, and architectural hardware. In house construction, I come up with ideas for houses that are attractive in these elements, and that are like canvases with no deficiencies or excess. Through advertisements from major real estate agencies, I learned about MODEL CODE, and visited the Kuhombutsu site with my family. Besides the flooring, everything was white and extremely simple. There was no cost cutting for its own sake, and because of that I was able to actually experience a feeling of balance that reduced excess. So I signed the agreement that left everything to the company, and at the same time asked to look for land together, and the house construction started.
My wife found some excellent land, and quickly got the construction plans in. I would later learn that two factors were extremely helpful in obtaining the land, which is the most important part of the process. These were the designs of Mr. Kawabe, the producer, and the wide network of connections the company has for land transactions.
The house which fulfilled the initial requests was completed. These requests were - flat land, a 165m2 floor space, a first floor living room, an exclusive garden, and an inner garage. This house created synergy between the client and the contractor, with the appeal of GiGi, storage that shows the company's brand, and lever handles by ORIVARI, their partner company. We recognize that being able to obtain this house in just a year and a half was due to the our decision to leave it all to them.

Shukoh ロゴ


We leave behind designs that have responsibility for the future. Based on this philosophy, we have partnered with companies such as Unifor, Goppion, OLIVARI, and GiGi, which are the top manufacturers in the world for furniture, household goods, counters, and architectural hardwares. We have taken on the interior design for organizations such as Toyota, Sony, Shiseido, Haneda Airport, the Tokyo Post Office, and the National Museum. We have an excellent track record for delivery of furniture, household goods, and counters, and we are a top company that was founded in 1941.



We once lived in an 180m2 apartment located in Sanban-cho in Chiyoda ward. When we looked for a new place to live, we searched with a downtown apartment in mind – one that had a balance between location, width, storage, design, and security. However, the apartments we looked at had good locations, but narrow living spaces and scant storage. So we compromised and went around looking at stand-alone houses. But all we saw were houses with crude designs that stood out only because they were big and wasteful.
But the instant we saw this house it was love at first sight, and we quickly decided to buy it. It has many great aspects we were looking for – it has sufficient width and storage, everything was unified into matte, calm white, the design is pared down instead of decorated, and is not too sharp, the Japanese-style rooms would make anyone in this country proud, and are expressed without superfluousness, and furthermore, the crime prevention elements help fight against thieves and stalkers. The total design of the house takes all of these elements into account. It has a sensitivity that we haven’t seen in other commercial houses in Japan until now, and you can feel the thought that the creators put into it, including the basics. That sense of balance made us want to purchase this house.
When we actually started living here, we could tell that all elements were carefully chosen, from the small metals to the handgrips. There is plenty of space to store things, so as we expected, setting up our living space wasn't complicated. Because the entire space was like a white, plain canvas, we can be captivated by the beauty of high quality furniture and pictures, and we can live here without getting tired of it, with every day feeling new.
French people's aesthetic sense is so strong that they even want to remove ventilation openings. But in order to not disrupt the intentions of this house's design, we did not install an air conditioner in the living room, and also refrained from installing a carport to not damage the exterior design.



Management Directer

Anselab LLC, Fashon Consulting

ニナリッチ、サルバトーレフェラガモ、クリスチャンディオールのマーチャンダイジング及び、コーチMDのトップを経てファッションコンサルティング会社AnseLab LLCを設立。

Established the fashion consulting group AnseLab LLC, after serving as a merchandising of Nina Ricci, Salvatore Ferragamo, Christian Dior, and the top executive of Coach MD.